Mostly known for the ablity to breath fire and their love for treasure, this species is now confined to remote areas. Effective at using language, they shed their skin one every 3 years.
In Europeanbestiaries and legends, a basilisk ('bæzɪlɪsk[1], from the Greek βασιλίσκος basilískos, "little king"; Latin Regulus) is a legendaryreptile reputed to be king of serpents and said to have the power of causing death by a single glance. According to the Naturalis Historia of Pliny the Elder, the basilisk is a small snake that is so venomous that it leaves a wide trail of deadly venom in its wake, and its gaze is likewise lethal. Basilisk is also the name of a genus of small lizards, (family Corytophanidae). The Green Basilisk, also called plumed basilisk, is a lizard that can run across the surface of water.
Without a supply of proper ingredients the would-be Wizard will find himself unable to perform even simple spells. Keep quanities of Eye Of Newt,Toe Of Frog and freshly ground Unicorn Horn at the ready.
a crystal ball,magic mirror,or other scrying device will prove invaluable in ascertaining what future may hold and can also be useful in communicating with other wizards over long distances.
The elements of mythology arewater,fire,earth and air those make up the element of life and hereare some moreDarkness,light,rock,ice,foresight,time,wind,electricity,heat,dryness,cold andmoisture.
The gryphon, or griffin, has the body of a lion and the head and wings of an eagle. It lives among the remote islands of the Indian Ocean. It has a natural instinct for finding treasure and lines its nest with gold. Its claws change colors in the presence of poison, while wax from it's ears, burned with mistletoe produces a healing fume.